Home of the Dolphins

**A Decade of Excellence**

15000 Bay Vista Boulevard, North Miami, FL 33181
Phone (305) - 354 - 2600 Fax (305) - 354 - 2601
Dear Families,

Our PTSA Board would like to welcome you to David Lawrence Jr. K - 8 Center & PLC South Campus. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Martha Pertuz your 2023 - 2024 PTSA President. We are looking forward to working with you and your children as we continue to sponsor programs and events.
We need parents to volunteer their time and resources to help support our teachers and staff. For this reason, I strongly encourage you to find ways to be active and engaged in your child's school. This year we'd like to personally invite you to one of our general meetings. At the meetings we discuss recent issues, provide new information and updates on upcoming events and fundraisers, and bring everyone up-to-date on current programs and financials. We hold about 4 general meetings every year. Please follow us on our Facebook and Instagram Pages "David Lawrence Jr. K8 PTSA", for meeting dates and times.
  • Register to become a volunteer. All volunteers must be registered annually through Dade County Schools. Information on registration is also under the Parents Tab of the DLJK8 website.
  • If you have not already done so, please join our PTSA. Membership is only $5.00 for students, $10.00 per parent/teacher, family membership for 2 adults and 2 students for $20.00. You can click on the memberhub  link below.
In closing, our common goal is to make our school and our students educational experience the best they can be. We'd love to hear from you! Your input, ideas, and feedback are important to our work. We would be delighted to help you in any way we can this year and want you to know we support you and your children. Again, welcome back and we look forward to seeing, you soon!
Martha Pertuz
2023 - 2024 PTSA President
Don't forget to become a member of the PTSA!

PTSA 2023 - 2024 Board Members
President - Martha Pertuz
Executive Vice President - Jose Moreira
VP of Fundraising - Gigi Chao
VP of Advocacy and Legislation - Monica Giarraffa
VP of Programming - Lynne Roman
VP of Sponsorship - Grettel Thompson
VP of Volunteers - Victoria Delgado
VP of Membership - Mayra Arcuri
Recording / Corresponding Secretary - Lark Bolten
Treasurer - Robin Tisdahl
PLC Liaison - Vacant
All Check Request Forms need to be filled out completely and original receipts must be attached. This form is for those seeking reimbursements for Mini Grants. Adopt a Class and any PTSA fundraising advance purchases.

Check Request Form

PTSA Mission & Goal:
The PTSA's mission is to assist our classroom teachers and faculty in enriching and enhancing the academic environment of the students at David Lawrence Jr. K - 8 Center. We have budgeted funds toward a Mini Grant Awards program for teachers, faculty, and staff at David Lawrence K - 8 Center. Through this program, we hope to fund proposals for creative and innovative educational projects for which funding is not available through traditional school sources!
Mini Grant Awards will be considered for:

Student and subject academic enrichment. Enhancement, innovation, and creativity. Community and parental involvement Competitive opportunities for DLK8 students. "Special Projects" on a case by case basis. Classroom and student needs.
Insert Packet Here
Application deadlines for the 2023 - 2024 School Year: TBA
Please send your mini-grant proposal to our email box